The Times Educational Supplement

  • Is class the place for a ‘culture of love’?

    It’s the role of parents, not teachers, to provide emotional nurturing for children Love is in the air. The latest big idea to emerge in schools during these summery months is that teachers like me should be loving their pupils more. The guru espousing this idea is Dr Andrew Curran, a practising paediatric neurologist in […]

  • The Truth About Results’ Day

    Many teachers are evasive on results’ day. There was a time when I freely volunteered to hand out results to pupils, assisting with the examination secretary’s job of supplying this vital information as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, bitter experience has made me wary: I found myself in the firing line, facing sobbing students […]

  • Rewarding the bad, punishing the good

    I knew he’d be difficult to teach: a child who had learnt that violence is generally rewarded with bribes, and good behaviour is ignored or punished.

  • The re-marking lottery

    Any experienced Head of Department knows that results’ day can be a nightmare. The worst problem to deal with is the sobbing student, often accompanied with the angry parent, brandishing a tear-stained results’ slips, exclaiming in loud and outraged tones that there’s no way he or she could have got their sub-standard score, and that the […]