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  • June 2008 Unit 6 Exam — Child Language Acquisition and Development

    ENGLISH LANGUAGE (SPECIFICATION B) ENB6Unit 6 Language Development Thursday 19 June 2008 1.30pm to 3.30pm For this paper you must have: • the data booklet (enclosed) • a 12-page answer book. Time allowed: 2 hours Instructions • Use black ink or black ball-point pen. • Write the information required on the front of your answer […]

  • Year 13: June 2007 St. John’s Wort Language Change Question AQA Spec B English Language — student answer

    Audience: Text H appears to be possibly aimed at a doctor or ‘physitian’- description of precise look, smell, touch as well as place to find and when to find it. This information id provided in detail in order to direct the would be doctor to gathering the plant; whereas the website, gives no information as […]

  • Year 13: Heather and Sarah’s Powerpoint on CLA theories

    Behaviourism (B.F. Skinner 1950s-60s) Language is learnt by positive reinforcement (offering a reward for ‘good behaviour’) and negative reinforcement (for ‘inappropriate behaviour’) Language is a particular social behaviour that follows this model. Positive reinforcement can be verbal praise or reassurance, and negative reinforcement could simply be correction. Skinner wanted to apply his theory to all […]

  • Year 13: Going beyond Chomsky and Skinner in Language Acquisition — Notes and question adapted from Myszor

    Many researchers followed up on what Chomsky speculated upon: children’s knowledge of grammatical rules. However, the idea of impoverishment (parents’ language is insufficient) prompted others to look in more detail at language experience, with an emphasis on social circumstances and the language of adults. Two key factors are important: 1. Social or experiential factors 2. […]

  • Year 13: Exam question on Language Acquisition

    Here is Adam, in the year following his first word combinations at the age of 2 years and 3 months (Pinker, 1994a). The numbers by the transcript indicate his age, so 2;3 means two years, three months and so on. Look carefully at the following changes in his language development, and using the systematic framework […]

  • Year 13: English Language Revision quiz on Acquisition

    English Language A Level Revision Quiz – key theories Explain what these terms mean which Michael Halliday uses for his taxonomy: Instrumental use of language Regulatory Interactional Personal Representational Heuristic Imaginative What were John Dore’s complaints about Halliday’s taxonomy? He replaced them with: Labelling, repeating, answering, requesting action, calling, greeting, protesting, practising Why is very […]

  • Child Language Mock Exam Question 2 by FGI/Myszor

    Read the following extract very carefully. This transcript is a conversation between Katherine at 27 months and her mother. Consider the aspects of the baby’s speech: ability to use verbs (tenses, tag questions); functions and conversational (pragmatic) skills; use of inflexions; the MLU, the comparing the score with Brown’s stages (see page 3 of Myszor); […]

  • Halliday’s Functions of Language in the Child Language Acquisition Debate (by Nick Christodoulou)

    Several attempts have been made to catalogue the different functions of language, and to chart child language development in terms of the increasing range of these functions to be found in the growing child’s repertoire. Michael Halliday’s taxonomy is documented below:- Instrumental: Language used to fulfil a need on the part of the speaker. Directly […]

  • H G response to mock Child Language Acquisition exam question with teacher comments

    Read the following extract, and using your knowledge of Skinner, Chomsky, Piaget and Bruner, analyse the interaction between child and mother discussing The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. M is mother, K is Katherine, 2 year old.M: So what’s this book about? K: Snowman M: Mmm. What’s the snowman doing? K: ‘S flying. M: Mmm. Who’s […]

  • Useful Child Language Acquisition links

    Useful websites on Child Language Acquisition

  • Quiz questions on Far From The Madding Crowd

    Oak 1. In brief, how does Gabriel Oak’s social position change in this novel from the beginning to the end? 2. What are the most important aspects of Oak’s character? 3. When does Oak come to Bathsheba’s rescue and why? 4. What does Oak warn Bathsheba of? 5. What was Hardy trying to say when […]

  • Romeo and Juliet revision quiz

    Please answer all the quiz questions on Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, Act 4, and Act 5 on this page, checking the answers as you go along. You may use the e-text version of Romeo and Juliet and do a search and find if necessary.

  • Analysis of Celebrity

    Starter activity – focus upon adjective associations: In the space below, circle the adjectives you must associate with celebrity Wonderful Fantastic Corrupting Marvellous Terrible Appalling Bad Good Thought-provoking Moronic WRITE DOWN SOME OTHER ADJECTIVES YOU ASSOCIATE WITH CELEBRITY MAIN ACTIVITIES – preparation for media exam: 1. Read the following article and write a summary of […]

  • The role of families in war poetry; Spring Offensive; In Flanders’ Field and ‘The Falling Leaves’

    Compare and contrast two poems which show how the families of soldiers suffer as a result of the conflict.   OR   Compare and contrast ‘Spring Offensive’ with one other poem of your choice which uses vivid imagery to convey the horrors of war.   OR   Compare and contrast the differing attitudes of the […]

  • Mercutio, Nurse essays

    ‘Mercutio and Tybalt are trouble-makers who are presented by Shakespear as thugs who cause many of the problems in the play.’ In the light of this statement, analyse Shakespeare’s presentation of these two characters, saying whether you agree with it or not.   OR   ‘In attempting to solve the problems of the two lovers, […]

  • A suspenseful story

    ‘His fingers squeezed around my throat, I felt myself starting to choke…’Using this first line as a starting point, continue this story remembering to use the same person (the first person pronoun) and write in the past tense. (Make sure that you structure your story carefully, and you use the FIVE SENSES and FIVE Ws […]

  • Give children rewards and they’ll soon fleece you

    As a teacher, I’ve tried every bribe in the book The news that a mother rewards her 13-year-old daughter with cigarettes when she behaves has confirmed what I’ve been thinking for a while – rewards are, at best, ineffectual and, at worst, positively damaging. A jobless single mother, Tracy Holt, 43, of Gosport, Hampshire, is […]

  • The truth about communication in schools

    This is the full text of a speech I gave under the title ‘Silent Voices, Still Lives’ Welcome and thank you for coming. My talk is entitled ‘Silent Voices, Still Lives’ and focuses upon the importance of teaching communication skills properly in schools. It is divided into two parts: firstly, I will look at the […]

  • One long SATS test

    In this emotional indictment of our education system, the writer and teacher Francis Gilbert explains how an obsession with testing has broken enthusiasm for learning The decision by the Children’s Secretary, Ed Balls, to kill off the Sats exams for 14-year-olds is arguably the most momentous decision taken by a politician since Gordon Brown became […]

  • How to make your child succeed at GCSE

    The truth about exams So just what is the key to success at GCSE? As a teacher in various state schools for the past two decades, I still chew over the issue virtually every day! Just recently, I was talking late into the night at a Year 11 Parents’ evening. The parents of these sixteen-year-olds […]